Peer Based Harm Reduction WA operates a  South West (SW) service based in Bunbury.  SW Peer Based Harm Reduction WA services include:

Fixed site NSEP

One for one needle syringe exchange - harm reduction information, education and referral - naloxone distribution via brief intervention.

Monday to Friday, 10am - 3pm

Mobile Van Service

The mobile van service provides NSEP at designated sites throughout the South West:

Margaret River -  Tuesday 3-4pm Hospital car park
Busselton - Tuesday 5-7pm Hospital car park
Manjimup - Monday 12-1pm Hospital car park


We deliver to consumers who are unable to access the fixed or mobile sites.

Safe Disposal Education

Disposal containers are provided at each transaction. Peer Based Harm Reduction WA’s Safe Disposal Program is available to provide advice and education to consumers and other agencies regarding how to manage and prevent safe disposal issues.

Health Clinic

A free and confidential services.

Tuesday and Wednesday , 10am-2pm

Follow this Health Clinic link for more information.

Hepatitis C Treatment

Our health clinic provides free Hep C treatment using the new Direct Acting Antiviral (DAA) treatment.

Hep C Case Management 

Provides tailored support to consumers who are currently undergoing or  planning to undergo Hep C treatment.

Overdose Prevention and Take Home Naloxone

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA can provide you with a brief education session and free take home naloxone. In as little as 10 minutes we can teach you how to recognise and respond to an opioid overdose with confidence. Follow this Naloxone link for more information.

For more information please call our Bunbury office (08) 9791 6699.


South west office