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Prenoxad Injection
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Prenoxad Injection
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Prenoxad Injection
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What is it?

How does it work?

Who should carry it?

How can I access take home naloxone

What is naloxone?

Naloxone is simple to use and reverses overdoses caused by heroin or other opioid drugs (like morphine or oxycodone). It does not reverse the effects of other drugs (like GHB, meth, or sleeping pills).

Naloxone works by temporarily blocking opioid drugs from attaching to opioid receptors in the brain, which can help an overdosed person to start breathing normally again.

Naloxone can be injected intramuscularly (into a muscle) or delivered by intranasal spray.

Naloxone is not a stimulant and it has no recreational effect.

How does naloxone work?


Opioid drugs fit into the opioid receptors in the brain.

When a person uses opioids, some of these receptors are covered.


When a person uses more than they can tolerate, too many of the receptors are covered.

Brain signals become blocked. Breathing slows down and stops.


Naloxone fits more strongly into the opioid receptors, temporarily kicking the other opioids off.

Brain signals resume, allowing the person to breathe normally again.


After around 30 minutes, the naloxone starts to wear off.

The opioids have not gone away. They begin reattaching to the receptors.


When all of the naloxone has worn off (usually in 30 to 90 minutes) any remaining opioids can reattach to the receptors.

The opioid effects return.

Who should carry naloxone?

Naloxone can be administered by medical professionals, such as paramedics, as well as family, friends, or bystanders in an emergency where someone is experiencing an overdose.

If there is any possibility that you might experience or witness an opioid overdose it is vital that you, and the people around you, know where naloxone is kept and how to administer it.

It could save someone's life.

How can I access take home naloxone at PBHRWA?

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA can provide you with a brief education session and free take-home-naloxone.
In as little as 10 minutes we can teach you how to recognise and respond to an opioid overdose with confidence.

Just come to our Perth or Bunbury sites, or our South West van sites, anytime that we are open and ask for naloxone.

Or, if you’re in the Perth Metro Area or the South West Region, one of our Outreach Workers may be able to deliver
naloxone to you. Please note that booking ahead is essential. Find out how to access our Outreach NSEP service for a
delivery here!

Postal Naloxone Service.

If you can’t come to us, we can send free take-home-naloxone to you anywhere in Western Australia.

  • Just call or text 0478 220 428 and say you want naloxone.
  • Have a 10-to-15 minute naloxone brief education session over the phone.
  • We’ll send free take-home-naloxone to you via Australia Post.
  • All packages are discreetly wrapped, with no branding or logos on display.