
Community Development

Community Development

What is Community Development Program?

Partnerships and Collaboration

Contact our Community Development Program

What is Community Development Program?

Partnerships and Collaboration

Contact our Community Development Program

What is Community Development Program?

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA’s Community Development work aims to develop and maintain partnerships with key stakeholders including health agencies, community services, other AOD agencies, peer networks, and community members. Our Community Development Program is informed and guided by PBHR WA consumers, bringing the experience and perspectives of people who inject drugs to all of our work. A major focus is promoting harm reduction practices, increasing the accessibility of services, and countering the stigma and discrimination that is experienced by people who use drugs.

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA receives regular requests from stakeholders and communities across the state to present and co-facilitate training and education sessions from a peer perspective. Peer Based Harm Reduction WA staff are frequently consulted by a range of AOD services, health agencies, consumers and members of the public for advice on specific issues.

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA holds stalls at community events throughout the year to promote awareness and support for Harm Reduction programs and to distribute resources to the people who attend the events. Events such as these are a great opportunity to network with other agencies, and to promote our services.

Partnerships and Collabration

We priorities developing partnerships with health agencies, community services, other Alcohol and Other Drugs agencies, peer networks and the broader community to achieve our objectives.

Our collaboration activites include:

  • Hosting and attending community and sector-related events.
  • Presenting and co-facilitating workforce training and education from a peer perspective.
  • Participating in the design, review, evaluation, and implementation of AOD policy and research.
  • Consultation and Advisory services on specific issues relating to drugs, drug health, and injecting drug us

Contact our Community Development Program

Get in touch with our Community Development Worker, Jarrah.

Contact our Community Development Program

Get in touch with our Community Development Worker, Jarrah.

Contact our Community Development Program

Get in touch with our Community Development Worker, Jarrah.