The Peer Based Harm Reduction WA Community Development Program promotes Harm Reduction, Safer Injecting and Peer Based Harm Reduction WA services by providing education and information to the wider community in both metro and regional areas.

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA’s Community Development work aims to address some of the stigma and discrimination that exists in the wider community towards the drug using community and also to develop and maintain partnerships with key stakeholders including health agencies, community services, other AOD agencies, peer networks and community members.

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA receives regular requests from stakeholders and communities across the state to present and co facilitate training and education sessions from a peer perspective. Peer Based Harm Reduction WA staff are frequently consulted by a range of AOD services, health agencies, consumers and members of the public for advice on specific issues.

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA has stalls at community events throughout the year to further promote Harm Reduction and to distribute AOD and Safer Injecting resources to the people who attend the events. The events that Peer Based Harm Reduction WA attends include Homeless Connect, Pride Fair Day, Hepatitis Day and NAIDOC Week. Events such as these are a great opportunity to network with other agencies, and to promote our services.

Get in touch with our Community Development Worker, Di, email or phone 08) 9325 8387, for more information or to order some Resources.